Disabled Chihuahua Need's Help
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Welcome To Scooter's Help Needed Page

Hi, My name is Scooter and I have a problem. I was born without front legs or feet and my owner is trying to make life for me as comfortable as he can. He needs help though. The high price of mechanical carts to help me walk is more than he can afford. He is a loving owner and could have easily discarded me, but instead he has fought to keep me alive and healthy. My disability was caused by fate and nothing either my owner or my Mom could do. Even though I am legless I am very healthy and very active as a new Chihuahua puppy should be. If you can help my owner with the expences so I can grow up to be a happy little pet.

My owner has set up a PayPal acct. so as to make any donations easier to do. Any help can be given thru PayPal or by personal check. Please help me live like any other happy, healthy little Chihuahua pup.

Just a short update on Scooter. He is very close to being old enough to get his cart but sadly his bank account is not. We will keep trying to raise the money and with the help of all the kind folks that have donated so far we will make it. Scooter is very healthy and is, in my opinion, ready for the cart. I made the temporary one for him to get used to being in one and he has made it a toy. This was great as he loves to lay on it and push his self around the house. Exactly what he will do in the real cart. I had been asked if I would let Scooter be the project for a school in another state to raise money for him but have not heard from them sence. We will make it I'm sure. Again thanks to all the great people who opened their hearts and wallets for my little guy. God bless you all, Alan and Scooter




Scooter has his scooter thanks to the great folks at Handicappedpets and Kathy Barton's 4th grade class. Please take the time to check out the story and the pictures of these Angels.




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